Print your own family tree books

About is a private wiki where anyone can enter and update his or her own genealogy data in order to print a family tree book from it. The books make nice gifts, and cost about $25 each, depending on size and print quality. If you'd like to order a family tree book, email

Inviting Relatives

It is very useful to invite living relatives to help you fill out and correct your family tree before printing a book. When you add a living relative to your family tree, you can also enter that person's email address. If you then click "invite" under that person's name, the relative will get an email from with an easy login link. The relative can then help you input and correct family data for the book.

To add a child to someone who does not yet have a spouse entered, you must first add a spouse to that person, and then add the child to that marriage. The marriage need not be a legal marriage. For the purposes of this site, having a child with someone makes you "married" to the other parent. Genealogy is about who had children with whom.


Each user has permission to view and edit biological relatives as well as his or her spouse's biological relatives, and the people directly married to or adopted by those blood relations. No site user can view or edit any unrelated people.

Your family tree and all other personal data entered on this site will be completely hidden from Google and all other search engines. Only invited relatives will be able to view the data.

The books are printed on a one-off basis, and will not be available to the general public. Only relatives who are included in the book will be allowed to order copies.


If you have suggestions for improvement, please email
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